
Year 6

Welcome To Year 6

Mrs Kate McDonald

Teacher 6M

Miss Newman

Teacher 6N

Louise Gunter

Teaching Assistant

Sam Smith

Teaching Assistant

Dear parents and carers,

We hope that you had a lovely Easter break. Welcome back to the summer term when we look forward to continuing partnership between home and school.


Our goal is to create confident, fluent, independent readers. We prioritise reading at Nelson School and have very carefully chosen the texts your child will study this term. We focus on word reading, and developing fluency and comprehension, teaching a range of skills to support these areas.

Reading is taught every day, and children encounter a wide range of material in these lessons.  They read, discuss and write in response to the texts, and broaden their knowledge of literature and the wider world.

The children will be involved in choosing the class novel which will be read daily.


Our writing will be inspired by Beowulf.  After SATs, we will be focusing on writing both in English lessons and across the curriculum to prepare the children for teacher assessment in June. 

Curriculum Highlights

This term, children will be learning about sustainability and will be considering the impact of plastic use in the local environment and further afield. In science, learning will focus on classification.  In art, children will be studying the work of Edvard Heston, Edvard Munch as inspiration for their own pieces.

In computing, children will be preparing their yearbook pages, after which they will resume their learning on spreadsheets.

We are about to begin rehearsals for our end-of-year production.  Please support your child in learning their words and the songs.

You can find out more information about the summer term learning by looking at the overviews and programmes of study on the website.

Updates and reminders

Morning routine:    Please ensure your child arrives in school promptly for an 8.40 am start.  Children arriving after 08.45 am will be marked as late.

Phones:  Please ensure you have signed a permission slip if your child brings a mobile phone to school.  These should only be brought in if your child walks home on their own.

Snacks:  Please provide fruit for your child to eat.

Water:  Please provide water for your child.

Medication:  Please ensure your child’s medical information is up-to-date.

Class reps:  Thank you to class reps for your help in keeping everyone informed and for everything you are doing to ensure the children have a memorable send-off at the end of the summer term!

 Key dates

The SATs timetable is as follows:



Monday, 13th May

SPaG (45 mins + approx. 15 mins for spelling)

Tuesday 14th May

Reading  (1 hour)

Wednesday 15th May

Maths: Arithmetic (30 mins)  Reasoning (40 mins)

Thursday, 16th  May

Maths: Reasoning (40 mins)

 Breakfast will be provided each morning of SATs week, consisting of fruit and pastries.

We are currently planning activity days for the second half of term and will provide details in due course.

Thank you in advance for your continued support in the term ahead.

Kind regards,

Mrs McDonald and Miss Newman