Reception Open Mornings: 17 October, 22 October and 7 November at 9.30am. Please contact the school office to reserve a place.

Outdoor Learning

At Nelson we value outdoor learning; it is essential for children to experience the outdoors and be physically active, to keep them healthy. They will learn to love and respect the natural world and sustain our environment. There is also a strong positive impact on their fine and gross motor skills while encouraging them to take risks and independently problem-solve. Spending time outside can also promote a sense of well-being and freedom. Learning outside the classroom allows children to interact with the natural world and offers them real life experiences such as the changing seasons and the changes in weather. Children learn to respect nature and can begin to understand the role humans play on the Earth. It enables children to be imaginative and supports children with being independent. The experiences encourage children to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence through respectful interactions with others and the natural environment. Working as a team to solve problems, children will develop and foster communication and negotiation skills.  These skills prepare the children for the world both inside and outside of school.
All classes can visit the outdoor learning area on a regular basis to complete a wide range of activities and work linking to all areas of the curriculum including maths and literacy. The area will be utilised all year round in most weather conditions, planning will be adapted to suit the changing seasons.

The outdoor learning area has been improved thanks to donations from the PTA. There are now bird watching and bug hunting bags and den building equipment.

What our children say about the outdoor learning area…

“You get to build bug hotels” Year 1 child.

“I love exploring nature” Year 1 child.

“I like smelling the flowers” Year 1 child.

“It’s very green and it’s like you’re in a real forest and you can find lots of bugs and stuff” Year 2 child.

“I like the trees, it’s like a maze and you have to find gaps and stuff to go in” Year 2 child.

“I like seeing all the bugs in the bug hotel. Once I saw a ladybird and some ants” Year 2 child.