

The Governing Body plays a key role in helping to oversee the strategic direction of the school, working in partnership with the Headteacher, Senior Management Team and Trustees of the Latchmere Academy Trust. The main aim of a Governing Body is to ensure the delivery of a high standard of education for all pupils in its care.

At Latchmere School, we have an active and enthusiastic Governing Body. The governors are made up of elected representatives from parents and staff and community representatives. The work of the Governing Body is varied and we are fortunate to have a vast range of experience within our team. The governors try to ensure they visit the school and participate in school events as frequently as possible. This enables governors to gain a fuller understanding of how the school works and the way in which our children are educated.

How to become a governor

There are no particular qualifications or requirements for becoming a governor, other than a willingness to give time to the role and a capacity for working with other people. If you are interested in becoming a governor at Latchmere School or if you have queries about our work, then please contact the Clerk to the Governors.

Local Committee Statutory Information

Please click the link below for our Local Committee Membership, Roles and Attendance 2023-24

Meeting Dates


National Governors’ Association


Latchmere Academy Trust trustees now oversee the activities and progress at Nelson School.

A local committee is now responsible for local matters at Nelson School.