Reception Open Mornings: 17 October, 22 October and 7 November at 9.30am. Please contact the school office to reserve a place.

Physical Education (PE)

Physical Education at Nelson is an important and integral part of the children’s development within the structure of the National Curriculum. A full range of physical activities takes place, including games and gymnastics, dance and athletics, outdoor and adventurous pursuits. At Nelson, we value the importance of introducing new sports to our children and therefore, our taught sports also include American flag football, lacrosse, handball, dodgeball and Gaelic football. Many lessons are taught by our specialist PE teacher and this ensures that the provision is consistent and that there is progression in the skills taught.

We aim to promote a healthy lifestyle through the enjoyment of physical exercise, nurturing the ethos of fair play and team spirit, always teaching safe practice and good use of sports apparatus. We also value the importance of sportsmanship and collaboration through sport. We take part in borough tournaments and league games and have our own sports teams that train weekly.
Nelson has a hall for gymnastics, a marked playground for games with full size basketball and netball posts, and a large playing field. During the year, specialist teachers from various sporting associations coach the children in football, rugby and American Flag football. These, together with after-school clubs each term and a full calendar of sporting fixtures within the borough, ensure that children can develop their physical skills to the full. Clubs on offer are: Boundless Dance, Multi Sports Coaching, gymnastics, tennis, Zumba, football, Taekwondo, fencing, yoga and netball.