Reception Open Mornings: 17 October, 22 October and 7 November at 9.30am. Please contact the school office to reserve a place.

Year 6

Welcome To Year 6

Miss Newman

Teacher 6N

Dear parents and carers,

We hope that you had a lovely summer break. Welcome to the autumn term when we look forward to the continuing partnership between home and school.

Our ‘Get to Know You’ session will be held on Tuesday 24th September at 9am. We look forward to seeing you there.


Our goal is to create confident, fluent, independent readers who take pleasure in reading.  We prioritise reading at Nelson School and have very carefully chosen the texts your child will study this term. We focus on word reading to develop fluency, and comprehension skills to develop children’s ability to infer, predict, explain an author’s intention, retrieve information, sequence events, summarise a text and develop a wide vocabulary.

In Year 6, we will begin our writing curriculum by focusing on securing children’s understanding of sentence structure and punctuation and ensuring that their handwriting is fluent and legible. After that, we will be reading Floodland to inspire our writing, and our class novel is Skellig.

In guided reading, children will have the opportunity to read a variety of texts across a range of genres to nurture their knowledge and understanding of the curriculum and the wider world.

Curriculum Highlights

This term, we will be learning about the Amazon region in geography and the circulatory system in science.  Our maths learning will focus on place value and the four operations, while in English we will be writing to entertain, inform, explain and discuss.  In PE, the children will be learning the skills of Flag American Football, football, yoga and dodgeball with Mr Abbott.

You can find out more information about the autumn term learning by looking at the overviews and programmes of study on the website.

Updates and reminders

Children should arrive in school by 8:40 am.

Children can bring a healthy snack to eat at break and water to keep them hydrated during the day.

Please ensure that your child’s medical information is up-to-date.

If you would like to be class rep/have been class rep, please make yourself known to Miss Newman.

Key dates

Bikeability: week commencing 9th September

Junior Citizen:  Wednesday, 2nd October

Thank you in advance for all your support in the year ahead,

Kind regards,

Year 6