Reception Open Mornings: 17 October, 22 October and 7 November at 9.30am. Please contact the school office to reserve a place.


We aim to provide Nelson children with a thorough understanding of the world around them and how it works through creative and stimulating themes. The science curriculum is taught in a variety of ways, with the emphasis on first-hand experiences where the children can actively participate in their own learning. We teach the children to observe, predict, record and interpret, and then encourage them to use these skills to hypothesise upon and test new concepts or ideas. Through their own investigations, children gather together important scientific knowledge and skills which they can use to make sense of the world in which they live and to help conserve it for the future.

We explore different aspects of biology, chemistry and physics. As the children progress through the school, they build on their prior learning and make links which help to secure their knowledge. In biology, the children learn about animals and their habitats, plants and even evolution in Year 6. Chemistry focuses on solids, liquids and gases and the properties of materials. Forces, light and electricity provide the beginnings of the children’s experiences of physics.

Our curriculum balances knowledge and enquiry skills and provides the foundation of understanding the children need in order to be successful in the sciences at secondary school.